So let's ask yourself if pain is the thing you commonly feel when exercise activity is done. The case can easily be seen when you try new exercise, or maybe new equipment. So after addressing it, then you can do next to solve it.
Basically the muscle cell may "break" if you do exercise where you are used it with it, or as explained, it's entirely new thing you do.
Known as DOMS which is common thing for both beginners and pro, even athletes.
The "pain" can be quite seen for the indication if your body adapts to the new pressure you face.
You can feel the ache up to 48 hours, while the DOMS process is faster than that.
That said, it's also common if the effect of exercise can feel many hours after this activity.
On the process of DOMS, the muscle fiber will break, and eventually body system will fix them, therefore it can result to better and stronger muscle fiber.
Good news to see is, body will be better because it can adapt, and for the process you can also feel the aching reduced.
This simple case can explain how it works, if you first time in trying heavy exercise about half a hour, you may feel the aching next day, especially the body part you train.
But when the body gets used to such training since you already did it, and make it as habit, the pain can be barely felt.
Exercise can be related for what a person always consume, and if it's incorrectly, then what you do can feel pointless.
For a weight loss to be practiced, make sure you can trust the plan you do.
Still about the incorrect training, or incorrect diet, where your hard exercise effort may produce nothing, and the stubborn will look even harder to go.
The worse, if you can't separate yourself from eating foods with high sugar and fat. The dream to get the fit body can simply go away.
The better sleep should help for body recovery, and recover from doing heavy exercise that may push your physical limit. So staying up is never recommended for many people, let alone new exercisers.
The decent time to rest can really become crucial aspect, definitely for recovery as mentioned. Once again, know when to stop and know when to run workout.
In boosting recovery process then never forget the cooling-down as the process, and with this you can really avoid the injuries.
Turns out dehydration can make body more vulnerable to ache. So you know exactly how to overcome it.
For the specific foods to help, remember to get high fiber type of foods or vegetables. Mild exercise can also help, and definitely enough sleep.
To prevent such case from happening, the steps in doing exercise is necessary, it means that doing heavy exercise especially at gym is not recommended for newcomer, unless they have the "level" improved.
Yes do it slowly that helps the body to adapt, and target to reach with it.