Beginning the exercise when you stopped it for quite long

Getting back to older routine may not be easy, moreover when talking about a routine like body training.

So let's see some ways to return into the older self with few tips in following.

Remember if body always adapts to new condition, so you can see if body must adapt to the exercise activity again.

Now begin with a clear goal, which will make everything look easier on paper.

The problem with some people if, they manage to keep the spirit for exercise in first few weeks, only to lose it eventually.

Therefore, try to keep your motivation for more as possible and be more consistence.

Surely goal can relate to when you want to feel the training effect, either to get fit or lose weight, or both.

Those who are in such situation must start with mild exercise, instead of choosing heavy exercise routine.

Definitely pushing body with heavy exercise first when you just get into this routine after extended time does not sound as good idea. You may even face higher chance of injury for this case.

Well there are some mild exercise to try from simplest routine like walking.

The gradual phases to get through, and do what's necessary when coming back to live active.

For the first "phase", it's not really necessary for high intense activity let alone a long period exercise. On other hand, using stair also looks nice idea instead of elevator to use.

Running around the park for ten or 20 minutes is worth to try, and for the next weeks you can extend the duration to half a hour.

Workout schedule can be pretty helpful for this case, where it keeps discipline high definitely.

In certain case you can do aerobic exercise with 150 minutes as the total in one week.

As mentioned before, you can do exercise routine especially the one you like about five days per week, with half a hour for each of them.

Starting ideal body training after being "hiatus" is not easy, especially the body that must adapt again for exercise, and you tend to get tired easily when beginning this activity again.

Pushing body is not wise either, and not just tired, but injury is what to face too.

If your exercise makes you feel comfortable, remember to stop and re plan the activity whether it's too heavy or not for body.

Pain after training is a "common" thing, especially if you just started, so remember about this when you are planning to go back into intense exercise routine.

Also known as DOMS, where it's the bigger indication if body is get used with the pressure because of exercise.

So let's summarize what we've learned today:

- the goal and schedule is definitely crucial for the commitment and motivation.
- try mild exercise first, and slowly increase the intensity from this activity.
- remember to reduce the effect of doing exercise especially injury. And also remember for basic aspect like cooling down after exercise.

So ready to do this fun activity for the physique again?.