Muscle to build and important keys for the process

The muscle loss, unfortunately is something bad that may happen even when you just enter your 30s. Therefore, plan something serious to face it and do any possible thing to help the muscle build better and prevent the muscle loss.

In theory, you can increase muscle mass through heavy and intense exercise.

Beside factor above, hormone also play another crucial role for the building of muscle.

Nevertheless, the growth of muscle may differ from one person to another, and it may relate to age, genetic and more factors.

That said, consistent body training should give massive effect where you need weeks to months for it to showing result.

Surely training at gym everyday is not a mandatory thing, when you have set the goal and plan the best, and spare half a hour to run weight training.

Yes with clear target, then keep motivated to building the body.

Other factors to follow so that it can support the build of muscle, and of course, building muscle won't rely on just one factor.

The first "secret" is the enough amount of protein intake. Inside the body protein has role to re-build and strengthen the muscle fiber.

Low fat milk with high protein is good choice if you want to find best source for the food to get. And more sources to get from eggs, meat, fish, etc.

In this case you need best source of carbs to use optimally as your fuel. The right amount of carbohydrates is important for the training performance, and help muscle grow.

Complex carbohydrates to help in building the muscle, and find them from food sources like oatmeal, whole wheat pasta and potatoes.

Still about nutrition aspect, you may not forget about healthy fats which help supply the energy which is crucial while you do exercise.
The amount could be different, but it should fill in the need of body in a day.

And certainly only focus to acquire best healthy fats source.

Cardio is important aspect to see beside of the eating habits, and many activities to choose from depending on your time and hobbies.

Beside improving your breath, this type of workout activity can help the function and growth of muscle.

Note that such effect can be seen for those who are rarely active.

The cardio session can be practiced about few days in a week depending on your schedule.
Next is the activity which can heavily contribute to muscle building, weight training.

Surely you can't do this kind of training carelessly, in case you don't want to ruin the body and get stronger and more ideal muscle size.